Trying to evaluate the musical and aesthetic tastes of human beings is always going to be a risky endeavor. Developing as an artist is a matter of trying to understand what people are looking for and also being true to your art and most importantly to your mission. We want to help you to develop by being part of a community where we speak openly about what we think and feel as we reflect upon the creative experience. We want to promote quality and excellence in the production and performance of music that is edifying as well as broad based. Our goal will be to continue to develop venues where performance and creativity are valued giving the developing artist the ability to hone skills that can only be accomplished in front of an audience. Hard work and talent bathed in a proper heart attitude and a desire to serve are important first factors. While no external person can provide the motivation that is required to make you the musician that you desire to be, we can stand along side you and help to find opportunities all while providing musical suggestions to help you develop into a fully rounded musician.
If it becomes obvious that an artist is blossoming, we will work together with him/her to develop a plan to help market the artist’s music in a way that will attempt to get that music in front of people who can help the artist to develop a career. No one can promise anyone success, and we aren’t either, but we promise to do our best to help you succeed.